Books I Recommend
The Bible
The Best Read! This is the most important book ever written. When I take at least five minutes to read the Bible every day, I know I am encountering God's own Word that has been passed down through the generations.
Interior Freedom
Interior Freedom leads one to discover that even in the most unfavorable outward circumstances we possess within ourselves a space of freedom that nobody can take away, because God is its source and guarantee.
He Leadeth Me
This book is filled with spiritual reflections from Fr. Walter Ciszek, who was held captive in communist Russia. Fr. Ciszek's words are perfect for building your perseverance in hard situations and for those who need to trust more in God's plan for your life.
The Road of Hope: A Gospel from Prison
The book is a collection of writings of Bishop Van Thuan that were smuggled out of the prison of which he was in solitary confinement. These 1,001 reflections are pearls of great price. If lived out, they will change your life.
Lessons from the School of Suffering: Young Priest With Cancer Teaches Us How to Live
Suffering is no guarantee of holiness. Many times it can be an invaluable teacher; other times it can crush a person into self-pity. But the lessons to be learned from suffering are many and, if we learn these lessons well, they can transform our lives, according to a young priest suffering from renal cancer. Father Jim Willig shares his story of being diagnosed in his late 40's with terminal renal cancer and the consequences of living with cancer and undergoing various treatments, none of which have stemmed the disease. Willig, a beloved pastor and inspiring preacher, felt called to share the lessons he has learned from the great pain associated with having cancer.
The Better Part
If ever you've struggled in your prayer life and have wished you had someone to teach you how to pray well, the entire first section of this book is an accessible, practical guide for how to pray. St. Teresa of Avila said that a person who does not do at least 15 minutes of mental prayer a day is destined to remain a spiritual midget. With its step-by-step practical guidance, this book will help you to avoid such an awful fate.
The Screwtape Letters
The devil is real. This spiritual classic written by C.S. Lewis gives you great insights on how the devil tries to tempt you to fall away from your true purpose and your relationship with God.